Sunday, December 11, 2011

6 speedy updates...Gaudete Sunday style.

In our house, Gaudete Sunday (Pink/"Rejoice"/Joyful Sunday) is the most looked forward to Sunday of the Advent season because it is the Sunday where we decorate the inside and outside of the house in preparation for Christmas! (Except for the Christmas tree which we put up the Sunday before Christmas, except this year because we are going to be out of town next weekend and we did things a bit ahead of time to make up for it. :)  )

It is also the first chance I have had in the last two weeks to sit down and catch up on some info. for the blog. So here it goes. Quickly and JOYFULLY!

1) We still have not pinned down a Realtor. BUT, the Holy Spirit was looking out for us because just as we were discussing what we should do or how to get started, we ran into a family friend, who also happens to be a realtor and he is going to be sending us some info. just to get us started. Hurray! Trusted friends with helpful info. is always a plus when doing something for the first time. Thank you, Holy Spirit!

2)  We have had many a discussion here on whether or not we should be listening to Christmas music before the Christmas Season begins. I said that we could because Advent is a time of Joyful preparation. Martin says we shouldn't because he thinks Christmas Carols are supposed to be reserved for after Christmas. I said no way was I going to to go all of Advent and not listen to one single croon from ol' Bing, and he said that we can listen to Christmas music so long as it is not Carols. To which I said, "fine." Yay for compromises!!! Bing Crosby is on around the clock! (and because I'm just a pagan American, and don't have the whole list of Carols memorized, there may be one or two that slip in there from time to time, but I promise it's not on purpose).

3) The children will be performing in their home-school co-op's Christmas Play. Hejjo is St. Joseph and Felek is a shepherd. I am thinking of asking if Lina can sidle in there as a sheep or shepherdess or something.I'll see what I can do. I am hoping that this is something we can do with fellow home-schoolers (or perhaps our local Parish?) in Krakow. Even if just for our few families, it would be great for the kids to be able to perform. Who doesn't love a bunch of little kids tripping over costumes and wearing little sparkly halo's? Am I right? Adorable!

4)We have all been well. Aside from some nasty allergies which are just plain inevitable in Austin, Texas at this time of year... we have all been not sick. Can you believe that? I have just jinxed it of course, but who cares? YAY for good health around the Holidays... there's a first time for everything!!!

4) Speaking of the holidays... remember this post? Well, we decided to just keep things the way they have been for the past 6 years. We celebrated Thanksgiving at my parent's house and will be celebrating Wigilia at Martin's parents home.  But, the even bigger news that I am most excited about is that Christmas Day, we will be able to spend the whole morning with just our little family at home! I can't wait! The way it worked out we will have the whole morning to lazily drink mugs of hot chocolate, exchange gifts and sing songs with just the 6 of us... all in our pajamas! We have never done this before. In fact I always get a little sad at Christmas because I never feel like we have enough time to just spend time with each other, just the 6 of us, calmly, without rushing about. I can't wait!

5) Martin received some encouraging news about the job situation and moving to Poland. I have mentioned before (I think) that Martin is attempting to take his job to Poland with him (a topic that I will def. talk about more once he gives me the o.k.). Basically work for an American company remotely, in Poland. This is the ideal situation for us to move to Poland and transition before he finds different work there. He has been getting a  little nervous that this is not as easy as he initially thought, BUT some recent news has helped him feel a bit better. Nothing for sure yet, but there is a smidge of light at the end of that tunnel. Hesitant, but smiling, sigh of relief!

6)The weather has been amazing! We got some much needed rain. Not enough to fill the lakes but enough to quench the threat of wildfires, for a few weeks at least. And it has finally gotten colder! This week we are supposed to have one day in the 70's but I am just going to pretend  that is a typo because otherwise the weather has been pretty nice. Finally some cooler temperatures to make you feel a bit more like Christmas is indeed going to arrive. Yay for differences in temperature and climate in general...just any change...we'll take it...thank you, God!

I hope you have had a chance to set aside some time this Advent to reflect on the year. Our family has many traditions during this time that help us prepare for Christmas and it has been really special. We have much for which to be thankful, and joyful.. Happy Gaudete Sunday, ya'll!

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