Friday, November 30, 2012

Fun Photo(s) Friday

Why is he so mad? What has that poor car done? Why?! WHY?! (Kudos  for the correct spelling , a rarity)

And the big news of the day...

Another classic example... "Army Fear." Good stuff.

In case you couldn't tell what was in the little baggy. Growing up so fast!

Me: Hejjo, are you sure you don't want to put the tooth under your pillow for the tooth fairy?

Hejjo: Yeah, I'm sure. I want to keep this one because it's my first.

Me: Well, you could write her a note and ask her nicely to leave it for you.

Hejjo: That just doesn't seem fair. She leaves me some money but doesn't t get to take the tooth? I would feel bad asking her to do that.

Me: I understand. We'll save this one then.


  1. Not a future politician, thank goodness. So sweet. Give him my love!
