Monday, February 10, 2014

Building a house in Poland Step: 2 and 3

Step 2: Plans!
After about a year of building the house from the ground up (on paper) we had finally tweaked, rearranged and overall gave our architect a lot to think about until we finally finished up the plans, back in October, almost exactly one year after  buying our property.

October?! Why didn't she say so way back then? Yes, yes, well I was a little busy packing for America and applying for passports in between bouts of late 1st trimester puking to post but really what's the point of having those plans if you don't have permission to build?

Step 3:   Permission to Build!!!

Got the email today, permission to build when we are ready!
We have already chosen a building company, as we are going the one-company-build-the whole-house-route, American style. More expensive but about 2-3 times faster which means my sanity will be saved and in the end, that's priceless. If everything goes to plan and we really work hard and not slack, we can be in the house by next summer. This is Martin's plan...our 10 year wedding anniversary and a house warming party all in one. (I'm not holding my breath but that doesn't mean we can't shoot for the moon and all that...) We may not have furniture for everyone to sit on but we will have a house to shelter them should it rain and a place for us to lay our head's once we've kicked everyone out. ;)

We can hardly wait to get started!


  1. Looks amazing! I can't wait to see your house. It will be really great. :)
    And - we also have 10year wedding anniversary next year. ;)

    1. Well then you will be needing your own cake at our party! :)

    2. Looks awesome! It reminds me of a classic villa you would find in the French countryside. How's the other side look towards the view?

      You are still a ways away from getting some of the fixtures inside but may want to consider buying some things in the US and shipping them over. We just order all our bathroom faucets from Amazon and saved a ton by taking them with us in our checked bags.

    3. Max Fliz in Krakow is also a great store for bathroom/kitchen/living inspiration.

  2. " More expensive but about 2-3 times faster which means my sanity will be saved and in the end, that's priceless"

    I can't agree more. Just make sure it is good company. Most of construction workers do everything wrong! everything! Make sure you have dedicated construction manager.

    1. Yup. And every construction worker KNOWS BEST. :D

  3. I can't wait to see how the process goes for you. We have seen a house being built in Poland, and it seemed so primitive. But the finished house is gorgeous!

    1. I'm laughing at the word "primitive". I know what you mean. I am used to seeing the homes built with brick in POland but it does seem strange after coming from Texas where everything is built out of food frames and drywall. I have found that with the right facade and good plans they look identical. And while there are drawbacks to the all brick construction there are also drawbacks to wooden frame houses so for us we decided to just stick to local tradition.

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  9. which company are you using to build the house?
