Saturday, September 8, 2012

Picture Dump: Wroclaw!

Last weekend we went to Wroclaw. In the comments section of an earlier post, a while back in fact, I had mentioned that I'd been to Wroclaw. I had not been there actually. I was confusing it with another city.

 It is  absolutely beautiful. It's main square is picturesque and the people there, as opposed to what we have found here in Krakow, are quite friendly and amiable. Lots of smiling faces and a more laid back attitude. These Krakowians are a serious bunch in comparison.

 I didn't really want to go on this little mini trip but Martin insisted. It was an ok 24 hours. Traveling with children anywhere, for only one night, is  a lot of work. I really hope to go back some time when we can take a long weekend because it deserves that, or longer. We didn't get to do too much because we are, of course, traveling with small children, so rather than see"all the things you must see in Wroclaw" we opted for the zoo and just strolling. They have the biggest zoo in the country. It was quite nice. 

A Unesco site. This is as close as we came to it.

That's about right.

Gnomes! They loved finding all the gnomes that the city is known for (among other things). They found 35 in all. I am sure there are many more.

They were knocking and fully expecting a little gnome to appear. We encouraged it.

In the mall waiting for Tata.

Not a statue.

The main square from the window of our apartment.

You could even see our car from the window of our apartment. Martin was relieved.

Main square.

More main square. Isn't it lovely?!


This is the Church where we attended Mass. In front of the Church you can see a little pink, narrow building on the right and a narrow white building on the left. with an arch in between. Lina and I are going to live in the pink building when she gets older. Just so you know.

The flights of stairs up to our apartment. Not at the very top, but near to it.

Our door.

Our apartment. Long ago, after baby number 2, Martin adn I decided that we would never again rent hotel rooms. More expensive for less space and less privacy. Last minute bookings through homeaway got us a 1200 sq. ft., 2 bedroom, on the main square (which has it's plus and minuses of course) with all the amenities for around 100 dollars a night. Not too shabby.

That's all. No fancy ending or anything. Just some pics. from the weekend. 


  1. My wife says its one of the nicest cities in Poland. Cool photos and awesome deal on the the stay!

    I wouldnt worry so much about the car... Probably not many of those around and would be harder to steal and get away with it.

    How are you guys adjusting to living in Poland? Getting better? Starting to understand a little bit?

    1. Adjusting is going ok. It truly is a blessing that I have been here so many times before we moved. It is not like moving to a foreign country to me and this has been very helpful. I know Krakow fairly well, I understand enough of the culture to be ok with some of the oddities and frustrations. The language is coming along slowly, but it's there.

      Witek, when will you and your family be here? Maybe this coming summer, right?

    2. Yup... Planning on the permant move next summer if all goes well. But we will be there in two weeks to introduce our little one to his grandparents on his moms side of the family (we have a 5 month old) and check in on the house. A bit afraid of traveling with him but if you can do it with four kids, then it should be ok. :)

  2. Beautiful buildings. Reminds me of those in Venice where each building is painted a different, bright color. Lovely!

    1. It's beautiful. I said more than once that it was almost like stepping into a movie scene or a back drop for a movie. Or Disneyland. Almost like a candy town. Almost a little too much, KWIM? But gorgeous, and fairly new, compared to Krakow.

  3. Fairly new thanks to WW2. Glad you liked my city and hope that you visit again :)

  4. Aahhhh... you visited my city. Nice. :-)

  5. I will have to look into Homeaway for our travels through Poland this summer. Big trip planned! Warsaw, Torun, Poznan, Boleslawiec, Wroclaw, Krakow, Zakopane.

    I noticed your son holding the big bottle of water. My favorite is Augustowianka!
